May 2014 archive

What I learned at science day at school!

In may me and my class had three men come to our school! The first guy showed us bugs witch I  learned how killer bees are danger to people!Also  the bee dosen’t just sting once but twice. The second guy showed us plants that we can eat witch I learned about a plant that is deadly to human if you eat it . The third guy showed us how to tell how old a tree is witch I learned about a tool they use to tell how old the tree is. The men who came to our school where fun! I wish they would come next year!!!!!!!



In May me and my class went to Jefferson! I learned about lots of things. Here are a few things that I learned in Jefferson! I learned that  Blue Bird Johnson lived with her anut  when her mom or dad died.  I feel bad about that but the house of her aunt was big!I also learned that in the bayou there use to be big steam boats that drove in the bayou and carryed stuff to places!  I also learned, but also saw, the Foution Of  Youth. That is a foution that had water bowels that use to feel up and gived water to animals, people, and other things. Jefferson was real fun. I wish that we could go again but stay there for 2 whole days! That is all I learned in Jefferson!

The Blue Flaxs

blue flaxMy research flower is The Blue Flax. The scientific classification name is Linacean. The scientifiic name is Linacean Leisii. The flower grows in East,west teaxas and most of america. This flower only grows in May – Setember. Numerous  light blue, cup shaped flowers bloom well in summer. This blue and pretty flower, grows well in flower gardens, mix tures, open field and meadows. That was my research flower that I like!!!