3rd grade reflections

This year I learned how to dived.I had hard times on the starr test.Miss.Black surpised me and the class with a pizza party.I was disappointed when me and the class had to walk laps outside.



image from facts 4 me.com

Mercury is the plant i am studing.You might think its the moon.This plant is very dense or solid.Mercury has 0 moons.The distance from the sun is 36,000,000 miles .The length of day (rotation) 59 Earth days.The length year (revolution) 88 Earth days.Mercury is also the  smallest of the 8 planets.Mercury is 3,000 miles (diameter).I leard all of these facts and put them in a story that I thought was cool!!!!

M & M’s

The candy in my hands are  smooth , hard , pink and red.They sound like clinging when you tap them together . Can  you  guess what they are???


My picter shows weathering.It looked deep because water ran over it for 1,000’s of years.Some of the rocks are brown and some are green.This was beighed my school.


once upon a time there was a talking monkey named Mabel.she found a door.then she saw the key and then she opened the door she saw that it was ahouse but there was a monkey that is the same as her and then she played with Brittney (the other monkey) and she allso got invied to Brittney’s brith day party that day.all day long they played together.but the next day Brittney moved closer to Mabel’s home.they played all day long again.THE END


Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr is awsome!! He said the “I have a dream'”speech.he helped the country by fighting for others freedom. Some other countrys still don’t have freedom for all their people.before he said his spech, if a “colored” person went to the places that white people could only go that colored person would either go to jail or get sprayed with a fire hose! Wow that would hurt!!!! One time Martin went to jail because he went against the system. He tried to make a change wich was the 1st time before his speech but it did not work at that time. Then on April 4 1968, he sadly died; then some of us got the freedoms we had fought for. Martin Luther King Jr, left behind a wife Correta Scott king and 4 children. The End

My riddle

I have no vertices,no edges and no faces.You can see me as a softball,a globe or a bounce ball.What shape am I?

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